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What is Jesus Christ’s personality like?  Does he get excited about things?  Does he get overwhelmed with joyful emotion?  Does He laugh?  Does He cry?  Too often, I think we picture our Savior as stoic and removed, with little expression. 

But 3 Nephi chapter 17 in the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ shows us differently.  We experience a Redeemer who is “filled with compassion.”  Who spontaneously changes his schedule in order to heal the people, one by one… to pray with them… to laugh, hold, and minister to their little children, one by one.  Weeping, Jesus declares, “Blessed are ye because of your faith.  And now behold, my joy is full.”

The almighty, all-powerful Savior of the universe is not so removed from you and me that he doesn’t weep for joy when he sees us simply becoming like Him. WE make Jesus’ joy FULL.