DRAWN IN Reviews
I just have to thank you. I have four little boys and trying to get them to sit still and listen for scripture study of any kind is a daily struggle, but your Drawn In videos have been an absolute game changer for us. My boys and I absolutely LOVE every video! They love the silliness, and also listen and discuss during the more “serious” parts. This is huge!! “Come Follow Me” has been so overwhelming for me to implement into our lives—and I have tried many different tactics and subscriptions to try to help me—but your videos are the first think that have really WORKED for our family. I just have to thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for all the care and hard work and thought that go into each video. It means so much to me that you are facilitating meaningful gospel learning and conversations in my home, and presenting the gospel in such an appealing way to my dear boys. We love that we get to both laugh and feel the spirit together during your videos. I am so grateful to you. Thank you.
“Hello! We have been subscribing to drawn in for a few months and it has been a game changer for our family scripture study. My kids are 13, 11 and 6 and they all enjoy watching. You do such a great job mixing serious spiritual discussion with silly fun. We all get a laugh. Your drawing talent is amazing and fun to watch. Especially now with quarantine and homeschool we have more time to spend on scripture study and your show has been so helpful. Thank you!!”
"First of all I wanted to say thank you, thank you! Your talent and ability to teach the scriptures through your art and humor is incredible. We are a grateful family of 7. We will be forever subscribers as we look forward to your videos every week and love what we learn from them and the giggles we share as a family. There is always something for everyone from our 17 year old teenager to our special needs toddler, we definitely enjoy and love what you share. Thank you so much for all of your hard work and time putting together these incredible teaching tools. We are a grateful family."
"I just want to let you know that your DRAWN IN vides have changed scripture study brought the Book of Mormon to life for our family! My 6 kids (ages 3-17) laugh while watching each episode and talk about the videos long after they are done, often begging to watch them over and over. We love when you suggest to pause and discuss a principle or pause and highlight a verse. We also love the challenges you give, especially the one this past week about using "because" in our prayers! Thank you for helping us apply the teaching of the Book of Mormon to our lives. Thanks for helping the scriptures stories and principles come to life. We sure appreciate all the time and effort you put into the movies! Thank you!!"
"Our family is so enjoying Drawn in! Our kids (14-6) love your drawings, your
stories, all the fun characters, and songs. Thank you for your time and
devotion to this. It is making such a difference in our scripture study and
inviting the spirit into our home. I so appreciate it as a mom. THANK YOU!
-Kristin P.
"Thank you so much! Our family LOVES all of your work! Truly inspired!"
- Justin H.
"My girls (and I!!) absolutely LOVE DRAWN IN! They get so excited when we do it for scripture study. They get so into it! Their favorite part is the hand too. They get so excited to see how he'll be dressed up each time. Really, thanks so much for helping to make our scripture study impactful!"
- Lindsay
"I am excited to share this with my friends! We are so grateful for your videos and the help and discussion they bring. Thank you so much for making home church SO good for us!"
"I just tried your sample videos last week with my almost 4-year-old and he LOVED them! I'm so excited to have another resource for teaching scripture stories to my boys and I love the way you relate the lessons to their lives. Thank you so much for using your talents to bless our lives. Looking forward to subscribing for a long time yet!"
- Elsie
"Even my teenagers enjoy it! Thank you so much for all the time you've put into doing this!!"
- Lisa M.
"We sure love your videos! Thanks for helping us get excited about the scriptures!"
- Amanda C.
"Love studying at home and being able to pass on new and exciting knowledge to my family. Drawn In helps with that endeavor. Thanks for sharing such a great talent and being an instrument in the Lord’s hands."
- Cindi P.
"My family is LOVING your videos!! Thank you for sharing your talents to help other better understand the scriptures!"
- Marcey M.
"I love drawn in! It was a such a huge blessing this week when we got bogged down in 2 Nephi."
- Kristen Hill
"Just wanted to reach out and thank you for being my claim to fame haha. My nieces think the world of you and they learn so much from your drawn in. My sister in law just gave me her copy of Who’s Your Hero book for my little boy. My nieces jaws dropped when I told them you were my seminary teacher. They wanted to know everything! I even gave them the little caricatures you made for scripture mastery (who knew I kept those many years later). Anyway thank you!"
- Yoshi
"I wanted to thank you for your videos. I have 4 kids (15, 12, 10, 8). Your videos entertain all of them. They are silly but have so much depth in them. When else can you listen to scriptures while rocking out to Van Halen?! I am learning so much too. I love your perspectives. Truly I love what you are teaching all of us. They must take you a loooong time to film and edit. All the extras you do to insert video clips (ie Samuel climbing the wall) and your hand puppets (oh my goodness the 3 Nephi reporter was hilarious!) are impressive. I recognize this has to be a labor of love. You are blessing families! We have all your “Who’s Your Hero” books and have loved those. These videos are a way to grow to older audiences. Thank you for this tremendous labor of love!"
- Angie LeBaron
"I discovered your Drawn In episodes through the Red Headed Hostess. I have three children ages 8, 7, & 5 and we all LOVE them. I have been really sick this year, and it has been such a relief for me to be able to just hit play and know that they are getting what they need out the scriptures in a way that is catered to their stage of development. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you sharing your talents, love of the scriptures, and testimony. I know it's not easy to have your own business, and I'm sure you've had to conquer your own fears and feelings of insecurity at times. Thank you for doing so. It's made a difference in my life."
- Hanalee
"I wanted to take a minute to tell you how grateful I am that you have made your Drawn In videos available through the Red Headed Hostess. They have become a huge part of our Sabbath Day worship and they are very much looked forward to throughout the week. My kids even have been including things they learned/saw in the videos in their imaginative play.
We watched your videos today on Chapters 8-11 and they were so beautifully done. Chap 8-10 were so creative and had us laughing. Chap 11 was so tenderly done. The spirit is so strong in our home right now. Thank you. My sweet 9 year old felt the love very strongly and it was really special to have us all bear our own testimony of the Savior. Thank you for having the insight and and I'm sure spiritual guidance to place those discussion questions, music, and beautiful artwork in the video. Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us. They do indeed help make the scriptures come alive and we appreciate them so much! Thanks for helping us get drawn in in West Virginia!"
- The Hendleman Family
"I wanted to take a minute and tell you what a blessing your Drawn In series has been for our family. We began watching last year through Red Headed Hostess and we were delightfully surprised that our whole family, youngest to oldest, enjoyed your videos. Even our 16 yo. We never imagined how important they would become to us. We appreciate all your efforts and I just thought I would take the time to tell you: You make a difference."
- Rene Gilbertson
"Thank you so much for inspiring our family every week with your Drawn In videos. They are a highlight of our week and have helped my children develop a deeper understanding of both the stories of the Book of Mormon and the doctrine. Thank you!"
- Stephani Speers
"I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to see my kids so excited to learn about The Scriptures and The Book of Mormon. They have loved and marveled at your drawings and artwork and laughed at all your songs and various hand characters. You have literally drawn their attention to your videos and they have learned so much, honestly I think I have learned the most.
This evening we watched your 3 Nephi 17 video (we are a little behind)...In 10 months of watching your videos, I have never seen my kids as quiet as they were or pay such close attention. They knew what you were saying was important and I know they could feel the spirit in their hearts. Seeing your artwork and watching you draw the Savior as your daughter sang that beautiful song was so touching. I know my children could feel the spirit in our home at that time and I am so grateful to you for the time and effort you put into Drawn In.
You have and continue to bless the lives of our family with your talents and your testimony. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
- Chris Jensen
"My 7 year old daughter said she learned to never give up."
- Selina Cheree
"Our family has been hooked on Drawn In since it came out earlier this year. I tell everyone it’s a must! We watch on Sundays durning breakfast, or during school lunch (perks of distance learning) and it always sparks a great little discussion. And laughs!"
- Breanne Mckeon
"My 14 year old and 9 year old loved watching this video and were so amazed as your drew your beautiful pictures. It gave us a great opportunity to discuss and remind them what feeling the spirit is like because they felt happiness and peace as they watched you draw. Love every video you put out!!!! Thank you for sharing your talent and testimony!"
- Tiffany
"My kids ages 8-15 were all silent and the reverence was palpable. They wanted to know if we could frame those pictures you drew. (My kids are big time fans of yours) Some of us had tears in our eyes, you brought it to life so well. We reflected on how much we miss the temple. Drawn in is a norm for our family every Sunday. We sing with the rock band, and try to guess which hand character will make an appearance. :) Thanks for you amazing talent."
- Yesika
"This was my favorite lesson so far. I was holding back tears the entire time. The spirit was so strong, and I could tell my little ones felt it too because they were so quiet and calm. Thank you for using your amazing talents to bring such a strong spirit into my home. We love drawn in!"
- Mckenzie Haws