Hey Drawn In Friends! This past week was our SPRING BREAK –Woo hoo! So, the Bowman Family made the ol’ pilgrimage to the land of Mouse and had a great time! So much fun! It was my first time doing Star Wars land/Rise of the Resistance ride –all I can say is…“WOW”! And I got to meet three Drawn IN families there –thanks for coming up and saying HI to me! :)


Elect Lady

So, with me being in Disney in mind, I took a week off from creating NEW BONUS content. Enjoy my Emma Smith “Elect Lady”episode from 4 years ago! In D&C 25, the lord reveals a specific message for Joseph’s amazing wife. I love Emma! What a powerhouse of a woman! Jospeh could never have done all that he did without Emma by his side. I dedicate this episode to all the ELECT LADIES in our lives (moms, wives, grandmas, sisters, daughters, aunts, etc.). And enjoy the cheesy 80’s songs music video that goes with it!

MARCH 10-16: Doctrine & Covenants 20-22


The Jedi returned… The King returned…but GREATER than any of those was – The RETURN of the CHURCH of JESUS CHRIST! Hooray!! The long, dark Great Apostasy came to an end on that fateful day – April 6, 1830. So what happened? That’s what this episode is all about! We’ll talk about the Lord’s revelations He gave to help Joseph organize the church, what that first church meeting was like, and how the “Gates of Heck” have NO CHANCE prevailing over this RESTORED church! Just like a tiny seed doesn’t look like something that could grow into a massive tree…no one could for see back then where the church would be today. AND… no one can for see where the church (and YOU) will be way in the future. Your destiny awaits!

AND… BONUS VID this week…time to DRAW with BRO BO again! Woo hoo! So, get your paper and pens ready – as I teach you how to draw 3 different major events of the early Restoration!  Make it a family drawing party!


“I have suffered these things for all”

D&C 19 has some of the most powerful, personal insights into what the Atonement cost our Savior…to be found anywhere in scripture. I think that’s why the CFM curriculum people gave us an entire week to study this relatively short section. With that in mind, I’d like to revisit our “Gethsemane” episode from a few years back. It’s one of my favorites…and hopefully helps your entire family understand and appreciate just a little deeper what Jesus went through for us…for each of us to be able to repent. It’s one of my more sober episodes (no rocker hands :) …so try to set the right tone when you watch it.  

And, in case any of you missed last week’s D&C 18-19 episode – be sure to watch that below. It gives a lot of the background (Martin Harris and the printing of the Book of Mormon) for section 19. 

AND…as a little daily reminder of the Savior’s suffering for us in the atonement…I have one of my art prints below (titled “Advocate”), that you can print out and display/put in a little frame if you’d like. 


Hey - Your WORTH is pretty “GREAT”

In this year’s Come Follow Me schedule – we have an entire WEEK to study D&C 18.  And an entire week next week to study D&C 19. (4 years ago, these two sections were combined into one week). That tells me that these two sections are uber important! So, lets really get into their powerful doctrines and truths these next two weeks…

For me, Section 18 is the launching off point of the Lord’s commission to spread the gospel through REPENTANCE & BAPTISM! It’s this principle and this ordinance that truly save us…that help us understand how great our worth is in the sight of God. And once we truly “get it” for ourselves…we get to help OTHERS repent and be baptized!  And how great will our joy be with them in God’s kingdom.

And we have an extra special BONUS VIDEO this week! My good friend, Leo, tells you his experience of coming from nothing…and accepting Christ through REPENTANCE and BAPTISM. Enjoy learning from him as a living example of what D&C 18 is all about! Gooooood stuff this week! :)