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We love hearing from all of you how you're loving the DRAWN IN program or how you've implemented it in your homes. Now we'd like you to comment below that same information for others to see what they're missing out on, haha.
As always, thank. you for being a part of DRAWN IN!
David does such a great job discussing the teachings of the Book of Mormon! Our children ages 7,3, and 2 will sing his songs all week long. They talk about and act out the stories in the Book of Mormon. They especially love the hands, and their rock videos. Such a great way to help them remember the scripture stories!!!!
Drawn In has been the greatest resource for gospel study! My kids ages are 13,14, and 18. We have struggled with our Come Follow Me studying as a family. We tried different approaches and my 13 year old would complain and there was always contention. One day my friend mentioned that she had started using Drawn In to help their studying as a family and that it was a game changer for them. We gave it a try as a family and it has been an answer to prayer. My 13 year old will pull out her scriptures and discuss with us. The contention is gone! David Bowman has a gift to teach the gospel. I have learned so much and we love the added humor. In the words of my 13 year old, “Why didn’t we do this sooner?”
hi davud i love you
We love Drawn In!! I heard about it from a Facebook comment. I feel like it was a huge blessing I came across it because it has definitely helped us with our Come Follow Me each week. The videos are so engaging and teach the principles from the scriptures in such a fun way and it’s easy to understand. I love them just as much as my kids do. I highly recommend Drawn In and It’s definitely worth the year subscription. Thank you David and Bowman family.
Thank you for your videos! I have 4 boys between the ages of 7-12 and they each love your videos! My kiddo that tends to be the least enthusiastic about gospel learning asks to rewatch the videos and he quotes things from the video! It’s amazing! I’m so thankful for the gift you have been given that you are sharing with us! We watch your videos with our scripture study during the week and rewatch older videos on Sundays when they want tv time. My husband and I enjoy the videos as well! And all of our prayers have “because” in them! Thank you for these videos! They are a great blessing for our family and my visual learners!