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We love hearing from all of you how you're loving the DRAWN IN program or how you've implemented it in your homes. Now we'd like you to comment below that same information for others to see what they're missing out on, haha. 

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hi davud i love you

kori young

We love Drawn In!! I heard about it from a Facebook comment. I feel like it was a huge blessing I came across it because it has definitely helped us with our Come Follow Me each week. The videos are so engaging and teach the principles from the scriptures in such a fun way and it’s easy to understand. I love them just as much as my kids do. I highly recommend Drawn In and It’s definitely worth the year subscription. Thank you David and Bowman family.


Thank you for your videos! I have 4 boys between the ages of 7-12 and they each love your videos! My kiddo that tends to be the least enthusiastic about gospel learning asks to rewatch the videos and he quotes things from the video! It’s amazing! I’m so thankful for the gift you have been given that you are sharing with us! We watch your videos with our scripture study during the week and rewatch older videos on Sundays when they want tv time. My husband and I enjoy the videos as well! And all of our prayers have “because” in them! Thank you for these videos! They are a great blessing for our family and my visual learners!


We heard about “Drawn In” from someone on Facebook that highly recommended it. We have enjoyed the children’s books and now we have really enjoyed the videos. My boys have asked many times if they could watch these videos and have gotten so excited when it was “Drawn In” video time. As we’ve watched the videos, I’ve personally felt the spirit. It is clear that David Bowman sincerely loves the Book of Mormon and has a gift for teaching it. My boys look up to him. Recently my eight year old added him to the list of “important people” he wants to meet someday. Thank you Brother Bowman for taking the time to create these videos. It was inspired. Thank you for teaching the principles and the application of those principles. You’ve had a positive influence on my boys. I wish I could have had these videos when I was a child. My eight year old has even started drawling the Book of Mormon characters. Thank you again for providing these uplifting videos. We hope that you’ll continue to make many more.

Sally Hogue

I love the Drawn in videos Thank you!


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